Suction Valve Assembly

The Pulsafeeder Suction Valve assemblies are installed on the lower part of the metering pump heads. Your suction line attaches to the nipple, and the nut screws on holding the line tight. If you have damaged a suction valve and don't want to purchase the KOPkit, you can buy the correct valve for your pump here. When installing, make sure you don't use any teflon tape as these threads are machined and work together without any additional material needed.

Unsure what model suction valve you need? Find your pump model in our store and the correct suction valve will be under the related products tab or give us a call at 1-800-536-7867.

Pulsatron Wet End Code

L3101AT1-PVC - Suction Valve for VAT1 Wet End$39.00
L3101HC1-FPP - Suction Valve for PHC1 Wet End$34.00
L3101HC1-PVC - Suction Valve for VHC1 Wet End$34.00
L3101HC1-PVD - Suction Valve for KHC1 Wet End$64.00
L3101HC3-FPP - Suction Valve for PHC3 Wet End$32.75
L3101HC3-PVC - Suction Valve for VHC3, WHC3 Wet End$36.25
L3101HC3-PVD - Suction Valve for KHC3 Wet End$64.00
L3101TC1-FPP - Suction Valve for PTC1 Wet End$50.00
L3101TC1-HPV - Suction Valve for WTC1 Wet End$100.00
L3101TC1-PVC - Suction Valve for VTC1 Wet End$50.00
L3101TC1-PVD - Suction Valve for KTC1 Wet End$80.00
L3101TC2-316 - Suction Valve for ATC2 Wet End$277.00
L3101TC2-FPP - Suction Valve for PTC2 Wet End$50.00
L3101TC2-PVD - Suction Valve for KTC21 Wet End$80.00
L3101TC3-FPP - Suction Valve for PTC3 Wet End$50.00
L3101TC3-PVC - Suction Valve for VTC3, WTC3 Wet End$50.00
L3101TC3-PVD - Suction Valve for KTC3 Wet End$80.00
L3101TC4-FPP - Suction Valve for PTC4 Wet End$50.00
L3101TC4-PVD - Suction Valve for KTC4 Wet End$80.00
L3101TC8-PVC - Suction Valve for WTC8 Wet End$221.00
L3101TCA-FPP - Suction Valve for PTCA Wet End$50.00
L3101TCA-PVC - Suction Valve for VTCA Wet End$50.00
L3101TCA-PVD - Suction Valve for KTCA Wet End$80.00
L3101TCB-FPP - Suction Valve for PTCB Wet End$221.00
L3101TCB-PVC - Suction Valve for WTCB Wet End$221.00
L3101TCC-FPP - Suction Valve for PTCC Wet End$221.00
L3101TCC-PVC - Suction Valve for WTCC Wet End$221.00
L3101TCG-316 - Suction Valve for ATCG Wet End$363.00
L3101TCH-FPP - Suction Valve for PTCH Wet End$50.00
L3101TCJ-FPP - Suction Valve for PTCJ Wet End$50.00
L3101TCJ-HPV - Suction Valve for WTCJ Wet End$100.00
L3101TCJ-PVC - Suction Valve for VHC9, VTCJ, VVC9 Wet End$50.00
L3101TCJ-PVD - Suction Valve for KTCJ Wet End$80.00
L3101TS2-316 - Suction Valve for ATS2 Wet End$310.00
L3101TS3-FPP - Suction Valve for PTS3 Wet End$68.00
L3101TS4-316 - Suction Valve for ATS4 Wet End$310.00
L3101TS7-FPP - Suction Valve for PTSK, VTSK, WTSK Wet End$255.00
L3101TSB-FPP - Suction Valve for PTSB Wet End$221.00
L3101TSG-316 - Suction Valve for ATSG Wet End$363.00
L3101TT1-FPP - Suction Valve for PTT1 Wet End$50.00
L3101TT1-PVC - Suction Valve for VTT1 Wet End$50.00
L3101TT1-PVD - Suction Valve for KTT1 Wet End$80.00
L3101TT3-FPP - Suction Valve for PTT3 Wet End$50.00
L3101TT3-PVC - Suction Valve for VTT3, WTT3 Wet End$50.00
L3101TT3-PVD - Suction Valve for KTT3 Wet End$80.00
L3101TT4-FPP - Suction Valve for PTT4 Wet End$50.00
L3101TT4-PVC - Suction Valve for VTT4 Wet End$50.00
L3101TT7-FPP - Suction Valve for PTT5, VTT5 Wet End$221.00
L3101TTB-FPP - Suction Valve for PTTB Wet End$221.00
L3101TTB-PVC - Suction Valve for WTTB Wet End$221.00
L3101VC1-FPP - Suction Valve for PVC1 Wet End$39.00
L3101VC1-PVC - Suction Valve for VVC1 Wet End$39.00
L3101VC1-PVD - Suction Valve for KVC1 Wet End$68.00
L3101VC3-FPP - Suction Valve for PVC3 Wet End$39.00
L3101VC3-PVC - Suction Valve for VVC3, WVC3 Wet End$39.00
L3101VC3-PVD - Suction Valve for KVC3 Wet End$68.00
L3101VCB-PVC - Suction Valve for WVCB Wet End$199.00
L3101VS3-FPP - Suction Valve for PVS3 Wet End$55.00

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